Committed Sustained Informed - Intercession

"Through His Global Love I have developed a more intense desire for an interior life of prayer, listening and discernment of God's will in all things. The teachings have led me to a new and more personal understanding of scripture and the "informed, intercessory rosary" has revealed the fruit of praying in community for ourselves, each other and the world in accordance with His holy will. Through this charism I feel called to become more fully formed and authentic in fulfilling the Father's mission for my life personally and in community. I am grateful for the opportunity to grow in my relationship with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit with this community."  

Mary, "Mary Mother of the Lamb Community", St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Omaha, NE; and, "Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Community", St. Bernard Parish, Omaha, NE 



"This community has been a great asset to me since I moved to Omaha a couple of years ago. It has been a great place for me to meet new people who share the same faith background that I have. It has also been a great place for me to learn more about my prayer life and grow in ways I did not even know I could grow in. This community has really helped me to see that I can't do it on my own--that I need to rely on God for everything." 

Ann, "Mary Mother of the Lamb Community", St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Omaha, NE 



"Being part of this intercessory prayer community has aided me in feeling I am not alone on this journey. It is encouraging and re-invigorating to have fellow Christians who are like-minded to pray with together for the causes, events and people who the Lord puts in our hearts. In these challenging times for all of us, and for Christians in particular, our meetings provide a nice moment of fellowship as well." 

Ralph, "Mary Mother of the Lamb Community", St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Omaha, NE 



"Imagine having a relationship with The Blessed Trinity and Our Blessed Mother Mary and finding a community where you can express the wonders and also the sorrows of one's everyday life. This concept to me is like a little heaven on earth. For contemplative intercessors, a community which allows us to serve God by discerning His Will in our prayers is a gift. I am so thankful to Fr. Kevin and his guidance and direction for opening the treasures of contemplative intercession more and more with every new teaching."  

Yasmin, "Mary Mother of the Lamb Community", St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Omaha, NE 



"His Global Love has brought me a great sense of community since I am new in the area. It has also taught me a lot about how to pray and bring all my troubles to Jesus. The biggest thing His Global Love has shown me is Jesus' unconditional love for me." 

Ann, "Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Prayer Community", St. Bernard Church, Omaha, NE _______________________________________________ 


"When my mom started going to a "prayer group", I didn't think much of it. But, when she brought me to the informed intercessory rosary, I realized that it was so much more. Ever since I joined, I have been being prepared to the point where I have enough experience to aid other boys my age to recognize the work of God in their own experiences while growing in awareness of Him in my own life." 

Henry, age 14, "Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Prayer Community", St. Bernard Church, Omaha, NE 



"Fr. Kevin Joyce and his intercessory leadership team, His Global Love, are truly committed to teaching others how to be successful prayer warriors and intercessors. These meetings are well planned and the time spent by the leadership team in preparation and discernment for the prayer meetings and the teachings shared is evident and truly a blessing. His Global Love Masses are filled with the Holy Spirit. Even those who are learned in scripture can grow through these teachings. Because of my experiences with His Global Love my relationship with God has grown and my heart has been filled by the Holy Spirit." 

Karen, "Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Prayer Community", St. Bernard Church, Omaha, NE  



"I have been changed for the better by the LOVE of God in the past nine years of prayer and conversation with the Trinity in my journal. I joined this charism with the aim of "going deeper," purifying my heart so that my intercession for the world with my sister and brother in His Global Love may reach the heavens in a pure way. Another important change is that a profound wound which I received when I was 5 years old has surfaced, after years of being suppressed, and is being healed by the Blessed Trinity through the intercession of my dearest Mother Mary and the Precious Blood of Jesus. All praise and thanks be to God." 

Jerri, "Our Lady of Snows, Ark of the Covenant", St. Joseph, Babylon, NY 



"As I face fear in my life, His Global Love teaches me that His kindness gives me confidence in His presence. I am able to thank him for his understanding of my weakness, and be assured that my strength is him in me. And that in every moment he is with me. I worship you Lord for your great love and tenderness towards me, Amen." 

Diane, "Our Lady of Snows, Ark of the Covenant", St. Joseph, Babylon, NY 



"My journey in this "call" to intercession began in January-February of 1995 when, in the midst of a 30-day silent retreat in Glouster, Massachusetts, I was taken by God into deep silence and solitude. During and after that retreat time both John's Gospel and the Letters of St. John opened up to me in a way I had never personally experienced before. Later I would learn that St. John is symbolized by "the eagle", a symbol of contemplation. God began to draw me closer to His Heart, taking me from glory to glory through purification and inner healing, and bringing me into my truer identity. He also began to set this contemplative foundation alongside my charismatic roots in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. In 2007 I was drawn into a deeper relationship with the Blessed Virgin Mary that has deepened and matured since. An experience early on Easter morning in 2013 drew me more deeply into the celebration of the Eucharist and preaching in the power of the Spirit. His Global Love is a "vision" for each of us in the Mystical Body of Christ. God calls me to be a "sacrament" of His presence in the world as a contemplative intercessor. I am to be an earthen vessel through which His divine life reaches other human beings." 

Fr. Kevin, "His Global Love Core Team" (Mary, Ark of the New Covenant), Omaha, NE 



"Being an intercessor has changed my life! When I look back over my career as a nurse, I have learned that prayer truly changes things. I am committed to this ministry and take seriously all we are asked to pray for. I believe our prayers make a difference." 

Dolores, "Our Lady of Guadalupe Community", St. Aidan, Williston Park, NY 



"I have been on a journey to know self and God and to be in relationship with Him for many, many years. It was the Charism of His Global Love that opened my heart by revealing the wounds and brokenness that blocked a deeper relationship with Our Lord." 

Maureen, Our Lady of Guadalupe Community, St. Aidan, Williston Park, NY 



"Being an intercessor is to live a life of joy in intimacy with the Father, who is very fond of me. It is having the Triune God walk the earth through the intercessor. My heart beats as one with God in JOY." 

Bill, "Our Lady of Guadalupe Community", St. Aidan, Williston Park, NY 



"Intercession means focusing on Christ and His role in our humanity.  Intercession means relying on the Will and Love of the Father.  Intercession means allowing /welcoming the Holy Spirit to breathe life into our souls, our lives, and our wonder.  To me, intercession is a gift, a privilege, an opportunity and honor to share in the mystery of God's life and in His creation.  

Mary, "Our Lady of Guadalupe Community", St. Aidan, Williston Park, NY 



"My life changed since I became an intercessor. My love for Jesus has grown and grown. He has called me by name, I am His. He has walked me on a special walk in life healing a very deep childhood wound. A blessing indeed, for now I can pray with and care for those in need. I feel so comfortable with them because Jesus and Mary are with me." 

Maureen W., "Our Lady of Guadalupe Community", Church of St. Aidan, Williston Park, NY 



"I am so very grateful to God for the "Call" on my life to be an "Intercessor".  Once I gave my "Yes", the Lord changed my life in so many ways and at so many different levels over the past 22 years.  By the great love and mercy of God, He healed my inner most wounds from inside my Mother's womb and had me born again with the Heavenly Father being my Father and Blessed Mother my Mother.  He set me free from the chains of death and brought me into my true identity. He blessed me with a new heart.  I now want so much for all God's people to experience His merciful love and be set free to be the person God created them to be.  I pray for every person to have the opportunity to get to know God on a personal level and have a deep relationship with Him.  This ministry of His Global Love is a great place to start.  It changed my life forever.  Taste and see that the Lord is good.  I'm a new person in Him, and I will gladly do whatever He asks of me because I live for the Lord and I belong to Him. All Praise and Glory to Him Forever." 

Marie, "His Global Love Core Team" (Mary, Ark of the New Covenant), Omaha, NE 



"Although I was raised with a deep faith in God I never had a personal relationship with him. Throughout my life I joined many different prayer groups but they never fulfilled my needs. When I joined His Global Love community I began a journey that drew me into a deep personal relationship with our Lord. As my relationship grew my life began to change. I came to know who I am and who's I am." 

          Eileen, "His Global Love core team" (Mary, Ark of the New Covenant), Omaha, NE 



"I have been changed for the better by the LOVE of God in the past nine years of prayer and conversation with the Trinity in my journal. I joined this charism with the aim of "going deeper," purifying my heart so that my intercession for the world with my sister and brother in His Global Love may reach the heavens in a pure way. Another important change is that a profound wound which I received when I was 5 years old has surfaced 

Jerri, "Our Lady of Snows, Ark of the Covenant", St. Joseph, Babylon, NY 



"His Global Love has given me a needed opportunity to step outside of my daily grind on a weekly basis and, more importantly, get outside of mySELF to worship God more and ponder more deeply His desires for me. It gives me a particular focus each week for growth in my relationship with God, who truly is the Original and Ultimate Lover of my soul!" 

Valerie, "Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Prayer Community", St. Bernard Church, Omaha, NE 



"Through my embracing formation of a contemplative, intercessory lifestyle for others, the Holy Spirit has brought a depth and clarity to my prayer and ability to intercede for others. I live daily life more aware of my identity in Christ as a beloved daughter of God. It has also brought a deepening of my Marian, Eucharistic and charismatic spirituality and is helping me to live Acts 17:28, "For in Him we live and move and have our being." 

Jan, South Bend, IN 



"My life was upside down, a vessel that could not be filled. Through the intercession of Mary I was turned upright and contemplation has filled me with Jesus' mercy for me and others. Intercession is his mercy being poured out for others through me in prayer. Now I am no longer afraid. I have peace and trust in the Lord."  

John, "Voices of Prayer Community", Windham, NH 



"Before, I read about God, and how He wanted me to be. I prayed, but now I converse with God, knowing He is my Father and who I truly am (wanting His will, not mine)." 

Fran, "Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Prayer Community", St. Bernard Church, Omaha, NE 



"Experiencing His Global Love has a grounding effect on me in the midst of the chaos of this world and my life. It is a formation process that is enabling me to grow spiritually and personally. I am called away from comfort to minister to others. Through this Charism, it has led me each day into a deeper commitment to intercede on behalf of others." 

Julie, "Infant Jesus Community" St. Anthony, Oceanside, NY 



"This is what it means to me to be in His Global Love formation - a calling like St. Paul said to the Philippians (1:6): "And I'm sure that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion on the day of Jesus Christ." Because this spiritual journey for me started a long time ago and had highs and lows, but it has been continuous and I sense a deeper purpose for these times. I want to make sure I'm on the right battlefield."  

Toni, "Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Prayer Community", St. Bernard Church, Omaha, NE 



"The Intercessors' sharing of their journaling helps me focus day by day. I am touched by this intimate pouring forth from their hearts in their journaling. Father Kevin's teachings keep us grounded. This Charism is the only path I can choose and the only world in which I can survive." 

Sue, Our Lady of Guadalupe Community, St. Aidan, Williston Park, NY 



"Contemplative intercession changed my life. Now I can let go and trust that God will work on the people and situations that are put on my heart to pray for."  

Rita, "Voices of Prayer" community, Windham, NH 



"I have always felt called to be an intercessor. I was very interested in joining the Prayer Community and have no regrets since joining. I like when we meet. We really do prayers of intercession for many needs: For families our nation, our world. I can't express how much journaling and sharing has brought a spiritual intimacy and growth. I've grown to be more faith based- centered, and this has allowed me to choose Christ's way of handling myself. We actually help each other stay Christ-like."  

Sandra, Infant Jesus Community St. Anthony, Oceanside, NY 



"The community group for me has changed my life. At first not knowing what to expect but each called by Jesus himself. Once I was baptized into the Holy Spirit my life took on purpose and meaning in a new way. I walk each week knowing I have Brothers and Sisters in Christ to share our Love and grow in the heart of Jesus Christ." 

Tom, "Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Prayer Community", St. Bernard Church, Omaha, NE  



"My journey with the Lord has been the ultimate gift. When I began with His Global Love Prayer Community it has greatly helped me to listen and discern God's Voice.  Journaling is a perfect tool for day to day communication with the Lord, (although I know I still have to go deeper in my journaling) This is the splendor of my path." 

Susan, "Christ the King Community", St. Catherine of Sienna, Floral Park, NY 



"I have found Contemplative Intercession to be where my soul is drawn to a deeper union with God through the Purgative, Illuminative and Unitive stages within the Body of Christ, not for my personal benefit, but for grace and blessings of others. Too often my prayer had been self-directed to only pray for my needs. Instead as said in Romans 12: 4-5 "For as in one body we have many members, and all the members do not have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individual members of one of another." 

Dave, "Voices of Prayer Community" , Windham, NH 



"I have felt a movement towards an increased presence of the Holy Spirit in my prayer life and my daily life. And like other communities and those close to me, I miss them when I'm not there." 

Paul, "Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Prayer Community", St. Bernard's Church, Omaha, NE 



"Praying and meditating on Fr. Kevin's teachings has transformed my prayer life, as I came to a heart knowledge of the surety of God's love for me as His child. I no longer speak to a distant God in the heavens, but my God who sees every part of me, and loves me as I am. The teachings take me deeper and deeper into this love relationship. Praise God for the truth revealed in these teachings!"  

Connie, "Michigan Lambs", Grand Rapids, MI 



"I thirst for Jesus and feel I grow closer to Him as we take part in praising and reading scripture daily. I love getting to understand His Word a little better through this Charism."  

Ita, "Infant Jesus Community", St. Anthony, Oceanside, NY 



"I find that discussing the readings is very enriching. The discussions that our group partakes in allow me to go deeper in my understanding. The readings have given me a greater understanding of Jesus' love for me and for my fellow brothers and sisters." 

Jeanne, "Christ the King Community", St Catherine of Sienna, Floral Park, NY 



"Ever since Renew 2000, I have been searching for a means to come closer to my God and make Him the center of my life. When I joined the prayer community, His Global Love, I have been guided to an intimate relationship with my Lord. I seek to hear Him, do His will in my life and help others to come to know Him as well." 

Kathy, "Our Lady of Guadalupe Community", Church of St. Aidan, Williston Park, NY 



"Through His Global Love, the Lord has shown me a road into the inner core of my soul as He teaches me and leads me and has become the very breath and heartbeat of life, while His mother holds my wrist." 

Ana Marie, "Our Lady of Guadalupe Community", Church of St. Aidan, Williston Park, NY 



"Over 20 years ago, I embarked on a journey to wholeness with Jesus. The world had taught me to be self-sufficient and "can do", but the Lord had a better way. Emboldened by Moses' words to Israel, "The Lord will fight for you, and all you have to do is be still" (Ex.14:14), I began the shift from busy, busy to quiet and listening. Contemplative intercessory formation throughout these years and most recently, "His Global Love" has taken me more and more into the desert of "Be still and know that I am God." It is no longer I but He (the Holy Trinity) that molds and shapes me and enables me to be part of the "Core Team" for His Global Love. Though struggles still exist, they are far outweighed by the victories and I thank God for this ministry in my life."  

Vince, "His Global Love Core Team" (Mary, Ark of the New Covenant), Omaha, NE 



"I adore, thank and praise you God for this charism. This charism guides me to imitate Mary and consecrate myself entirely to you. Sometimes, my journal reveals lies and wounds; however, your Precious Blood shines rainbows of light, and your Truth heals me. This charism purifies my soul with springs of sparkling water to free me from the bondage of sin." 

Roxanne, "Our Lady of Snows, Ark of the Covenant", St. Joseph, Babylon, NY 



"His Global Love has meant a coming out from behind myself, facing with Jesus the transformation he desires to work in me. Isaiah 1:18, "Come now, let us set things right, says the Lord." 

Gen, "Our Lady of Snows, Ark of the Covenant", St. Joseph, Babylon, NY 





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