Committed Sustained Informed - Intercession
Joe Niemeyer leading praise and worship before the generational healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church in Omaha, Nebraska: December 10th, 2021
Fr. Kevin Joyce and Kim Becker leading praise and worship before the healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church in Omaha, Nebraska: October 15th, 2021
Fr. Kevin Joyce praying in the Spirit, calling out various words of knowledge during the healing Mass for cancer survivors and their families at St. Philip Neri Catholic Church in Omaha, Nebraska: October 13th, 2021
Fr. Michael Voithofer and "Ablaze Worship Ministry" leading praise and worship before the healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church in Omaha, Nebraska: June 9th, 2021
Fr. Kevin Joyce preaching the homily at the healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church in Omaha, Nebraska: June 9th, 2021
Fr. Kevin Joyce praying in the Spirit and calling out various healings of people during the healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church in Omaha, Nebraska: June 9th, 2021
Fr. Kevin Joyce and altar servers kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance after the healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church in Omaha, Nebraska: June 9th, 2021
Fr. Kevin Joyce blessing the congregation with the Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance from the altar after the healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church in Omaha, Nebraska: June 9th, 2021
Fr. Kevin Joyce walking among the congregation blessing the people with the Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance after the healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church in Omaha, Nebraska: June 9th, 2021
Truly, He has Risen! St. Bernard Catholic Church in Omaha, Nebraska is beautifully adorned during the Easter season as "His Global Love Ministry" and "Ablaze Worship Ministry" team up to celebrate a generational healing Mass on April 14th, 2021
Fr. Michael Voithofer of "Ablaze Worship Ministry" leading praise and worship before the generational healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church in Omaha, Nebraska: April 14th, 2021
Fr. Kevin Joyce praying in the Spirit for healing after Communion time during the generational healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church in Omaha, Nebraska: April 14th, 2021
Fr. Kevin Joyce praying for healing after Communion time during the live stream healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church in Omaha, Nebraska: October 21st, 2020
Fr. Kevin Joyce at the consecration of the Precious Blood during the live stream healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church in Omaha, Nebraska: October 21st, 2020
Fr. Michael Voithofer and "Ablaze Worship Ministry" leading praise and worship before the live stream healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church in Omaha, Nebraska: October 21st, 2020
Praise and Worship before the Healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha Nebraska: February 12th, 2020
Fr. Michael Voithofer and "Ablaze Worship Ministry" leading praise and worship before the Healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church in Omaha Nebraska: February 12th, 2020
Praise and Worship before the Healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha Nebraska: February 12th, 2020
Fr. Kevin Joyce and Fr. Michael Voithofer praising God during the Healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church: February 12th, 2020
Fr. Michael Voithofer leading "Ablaze Worship Ministry" during praise and worship before the Healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha, Nebraska: January 15, 2020
"Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Intercessory Prayer Community" Christmas party with guests, Omaha, Nebraska, December 2019
"Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Intercessory Prayer Community" Christmas party with guests, Omaha, Nebraska, December, 2019
"Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Intercessory Prayer Community" Christmas party with guests, Omaha, Nebraska, December 2019
Hundreds turned out for the charismatic, Generational Healing Mass at St. Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church in Franklin Square, Long Island, New York for praise and worship, Mass and pray overs. Afterwards it was described as having had the power and Presence of a Pentecost event
Fr. Kevin and Msgr. Rick Figliozzi (pastor of St. Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church) at the charismatic, Generational Healing Mass at St. Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church, Franklin Square, Long Island, New York: Tuesday, October 29th, 2019
Fr. Kevin and Steve Leaden leading praise and worship before the charismatic, Generational Healing Mass at St. Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church, Franklin Square, Long Island, New York: Tuesday, October 29th, 2019
Fr. Kevin and Fr. Michael Voithofer at the Healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha, Nebraska: October 16, 2019
Fr. Michael Voithofer proclaiming the gospel at the Healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha, Nebraska: October 16, 2019
Fr. Michael Voithofer leading "Ablaze Worship Ministry" during praise and worship before the Healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha, Nebraska:October 16, 2019
Some members of "Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Intercessory Prayer Community", St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha, Nebraska: October 16,2019
Fr. Kevin and Fr. Michael Voithofer at the Healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha, Nebraska: October 16, 2019
Fr. Kevin preaching on St. Margaret Mary Alacoque and the Sacred Heart of Jesus during the Healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha, Nebraska: October 16, 2019
Healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha, Nebraska: August 7th, 2019
Fr. Kevin preaching during the Healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha, Nebraska: August 7th, 2019
Marie Peri and Eileen Tarralo bringing up the gifts at the Healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha, Nebraska: August 7th, 2019
Praise and worship with some members of "Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Intercessory Prayer Community" at the weekly formation night in St. Bernard Catholic Church Omaha, Nebraska
Marie Peri teaching at weekly formation night for "Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Intercessory Prayer Community" in St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha, Nebraska
Members of "His Global Love Core Team", "Mary Ark of the New Covenant": Eileen Tarralo, Vince and Marie Peri (Fr. Kevin not in photo)
Fr. Kevin carrying the Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance among the people after the Healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha, Nebraska, June 12, 2019
Fr. Kevin and Fr. Michael during the Solemn Doxology at the end of the Eucharistic Prayer at the Healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha, Nebraska, June 12, 2019
Fr. Kevin preaching during the Healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha, Nebraska, June 12, 2019
The elevation of the Body of Christ during the Eucharistic prayer at the Healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha, Nebraska, June 12, 2019
Singing the "Holy, Holy" during the Healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha, Nebraska, June 12, 2019
Fr. Michael Voithofer leading Ablaze Worship Ministry during praise and worship before the Healing Mass at St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha, Nebraska, June 12, 2019
Some members of "Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Intercessory Prayer Community", St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha Nebraska, June 12,2019
Fr. Kevin presiding at Mass in the chapel at the "His Global Love" retreat at Tabor Retreat Center in Oceanside, NY, June 21,22,23rd, 2019
Community members gathered for Mass in the chapel at the "His Global Love" retreat at Tabor Retreat Center in Oceanside, NY, June 21,22,23rd, 2019
Fr. Kevin and Steve Leaden leading praise and worship at the "His Global Love" retreat at Tabor Retreat Center, Oceanside, NY, June 21,22,23rd, 2019
Some Community members gathered before praise and worship at the "His Global Love" retreat at Tabor Retreat Center, Oceanside, NY, June 21,22, 23rd, 2019
Community members at the "His Global Love" retreat at Tabor Retreat Center, Oceanside, NY, June 21,22, 23rd, 2019
Members of the community in formation at weekly formation night, "Our Lady of Guadalupe, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Intercessory Prayer Community", St. Aidan's Church, Williston Park, Long Island, NY
Members of the community in formation at weekly formation night, "Our Lady of Guadalupe, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Intercessory Prayer Community", St. Aidan's Church, Williston Park, Long Island, NY
Praise and worship at weekly formation night for members of "Our Lady of Guadalupe, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Intercessory Prayer Community", St. Aidan's Church, Williston Park, Long Island, NY
Members of the community in formation at weekly formation night, "Our Lady of Snows, Ark of the Covenant Intercessory Prayer Community", St. Joseph's Church, Babylon, Long Island, NY
Praise and worship at weekly formation night for members of "Our Lady of Snows, Ark of the Covenant Intercessory Prayer Community", St. Joseph's Church, Babylon, Long Island, NY
Members of the community in formation at weekly formation night, "Infant Jesus Agnus Dei Intercessory Prayer Community", St. Anthony Church, Oceanside, Long Island, NY
Praise and worship at weekly formation night for members of "Infant Jesus Agnus Dei Intercessory Prayer Community" St. Anthony Church, Oceanside, Long Island, NY
Members of the community in prayer during weekly, formation night, "Christ the King Intercessory Prayer Community", St. Catherine Church, Floral Park, Long Island, NY
Praise and worship on weekly, formation night for members of "Christ the King Intercessory Prayer Community", St. Catherine Church, Floral Park, Long Island, NY
Pray overs after the Healing Mass at St. Bernard Church, Omaha, Nebraska, April 10, 2019
Pray overs after the Healing Mass at St. Bernard Church, Omaha, Nebraska, April 10, 2019
Fr. Kevin and Fr. Michael Voithofer after the Healing Mass and pray overs at St. Bernard Church, Omaha, Nebraska, March 13, 2019
Pray overs after the Healing Mass at St. Bernard Church, Omaha, Nebraska, March 13, 2019
Fr. Kevin and Fr. Michael Voithofer praying and praising at the Healing Mass at St. Bernard Church, Omaha, Nebraska, March 13, 2019
Fr. Kevin and Fr. Michael Voithofer after the Healing Mass and pray overs at St. Bernard Church, Omaha, Nebraska, March 13, 2019
Core Group of His Global Love Ministry Mary, Ark of the New Covenant with the banner for the ministry, before the Healing Mass at St. Bernard Church, Omaha, Nebraska, March 13, 2019
Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Intercessory Prayer Community, One Year Anniversary Celebration, Omaha, Nebraska, February, 2019
Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Intercessory Prayer Community, One Year Anniversary Celebration, Omaha, Nebraska, February, 2019
Some members of Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Intercessory Prayer Community, St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha, Nebraska, February 13, 2019
Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Intercessory Prayer Community, One Year Anniversary Celebration, Omaha, Nebraska, February, 2019
Mary,Spouse of the Holy Spirit Intercessory Prayer Community,St.Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha Nebraska,December 19, 2018
Fr. Kevin praying during a Mass hosted by Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Prayer Community at St. Bernard Church, Omaha, Nebraska, October 17, 2018
Fr. Kevin leading praise and worship before a Mass hosted by Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Prayer Community at St. Bernard Church, Omaha,Nebraska, October 17, 2019
His Global Love Retreat, Emmanuel Retreat Center, Uniondale, NY June 8,9,10,2018
Mass of the renewal of the Holy Spirit, St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha, Nebraska, May 24, 2018
Mass of renewal of the Holy Spirit, St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha, Nebraska, May 24, 2018
Pray overs for renewal of the Holy Spirit, St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha, Nebraska, May 24, 2018
Mass of the renewal of the Holy Spirit, St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha,Nebraska May 24, 2018
Fr. Kevin teaching at His Global Love Retreat, St. Mary Catholic Church, Marne, Michigan, April 2018
Mass at His Global Love Retreat, St. Mary Catholic Church, Marne, Michigan, April 2018
Mass at His Global Love Retreat, St. Mary Catholic Church, Marne, Michigan, April 2018
Fr. Kevin teaching at the His Global Love Retreat, St. Mary Catholic Church, Marne, Michigan, April 2018
Participants at St. Mary Catholic Church His Global Love Retreat, Marne, Michigan, April 2018
Intercessory Prayer Community, South Bend, Indiana
Morning Glory Intercessory Prayer Community, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Infant Jesus Agnus Dei Intercessory Prayer Community, Oceanside, Long Island, New York
Mary Scott standing at the His Global Love information booth at the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Office Jubilee Conference in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota Oct. 20th and 21st, 2017
Our Lady of Snows, Ark of the Covenant Intercessory Prayer Community, St. Joseph's Church, Babylon, Long Island, New York
Christ the King Intercessor Prayer Group, St. Catherine of Sienna Church, Franklin Square, Long Island, New York
St. Michael Intercessor Prayer Group Merrick, Long Island, New York
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Intercessor Prayer Group, at Holy Spirit Church, New Hyde Park, Long Island, New York
Mary, Ark of the New Covenant Core group, Omaha, Nebraska
Voices of Prayer Intercessory Prayer Group Windham, New Hampshire
With some members of the Long Island Intercessory Prayer Groups at the retreat
Preaching at the Pentecost Mass at the Long Island retreat
Praying during the Pentecost Mass
Leading the preached retreat in Uniondale, New York
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