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At His Feet
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"At His Feet: Devoted Love" (Part Three)

"A call to holiness is a call to conversion"

          The Dictionary of Biblical Theology offers a definition for this intimate, heart-level, experiential knowledge of God:

"Knowledge is entrance in the vast tides of life and light that emanate from the heart of God and head back to him" (p.299).

We note that this Divine Love--which is the very Life of God--and this light of Truth each come from the heart of God: Each has its origin in the heart of God; for, in a sense, we can say that God is Heart--because God is Love! God: Desires each of us to experience his heart which is the "epicenter" of Love, Mercy, Truth, and Holiness; desires each of us to be drawn into his heart; and desires each of us to be "transformed into his heart" for the world. We have spoken already of how authentic religious devotion comes through direct, profound, and personal experiences of God's presence. In these profound "knowing" experiences, we encounter the God of Love, Mercy, and Holiness. We also encounter our sin! In the "halogen high beams" of God's unique holiness, we are drawn to see our faults--what diverges from holiness.

          We remember the story of the call of the Prophet Isaiah found in chapter Six of the Book of the Prophet Isaiah:

"I saw the LORD seated on a high and lofty throne…Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts!…Then I said, "woe is me, I am doomed! For I am a man of unclean lips, living among a people of unclean lips; yet my eyes have seen the king, the LORD of hosts!"

(Is. 6:1,3,5)

We note that Isaiah, in the midst of this profound experience of God's all-holy presence, becomes aware of his own personal sinfulness. How essential it is for each of us to pray for this grace of sensitized, interior awareness. This is an indispensable grace needed for every intercessor. A heart that is experiencing these intensely intimate encounters with God  begins to fall more and more deeply in love with God. This heart begins to desire that nothing separate it from the God whom one loves more and more deeply. How true it is that personal renewal begins with an interior awareness.

          Lyrics from the Christian song, "Beautiful One" state: "You captured my heart with this love, 'cause nothing on earth is as beautiful as You" ("Beautiful One", by Tim Hughes; 2002 Thank- you Music). As one's heart begins to be "captured" by God's Love, one becomes more and more captivated to the point of desiring conversion. As one experiences the overwhelming reality of God's beauty, one will become aware of the 'ugliness of one's own sins'. As the psalm writer says, "In your light we see light" (Ps. 36:10). Through the revelation of God's profound Love, Holiness, and Mercy one begins to recognize one's personal sins. This realization is a merciful grace offered to each of us. How can one be drawn closer to God if one does not have an interior awareness of what keeps one at a distance from God?!

          God directly wills these "knowing" experiences for the sake of our spiritual transformation and inner renewal. When we are "touched" profoundly by our God of Love, we begin to respond-- we begin to desire to "know" him even more intimately. We begin to desire to let go of lesser things for the sake of love. These "knowing" experiences of God draw us into the work of conversion--into the levels of conversion (from glory to glory)--to be transformed into the "true humanity" of Jesus. For each of us, God desires our "true heart" to burst forth into the world with fragrance and beauty: A heart that has a tremendous love for God, and a tremendous love for, and mercy towards, humanity. This is the heart of the prayer warrior!


1) Is there an area of personal sin that God is either calling me to look at, or that I am currently working to eradicate?

2) Do I tend to look at other persons, my nation, and the world with a merciful or judgmental attitude?


Is. 6: 1-7; Jer. 31:34; Luke 1: 77-78

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