Committed Sustained Informed - Intercession
Risen Lamb Writings
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 "Risen Lamb Writings"

"Love's Triumph"

          During this season of the Resurrection we are reminded that Jesus invites intercessors to encounter him in his crucified-resurrected humanity. In him we see what 'death destroyed, life restored' looks like: "Once I was dead, but now I am alive for ever and ever" (Rev. 1:18).  He is with us in the glory of a resurrected humanity. He was born for us, died for us, and rose from the dead for us. He is the "Lord of the new universe" who says, "Behold, I make all things new" (Rev. 21:5). Intercessors are invited to be renewed in his presence. Jesus is the complete fulfillment of our lives. All things, all history converges in him. "He is the mediator--the bridge, if you will--between heaven and earth" (Pope Paul VI, Nov. 28, 1970: LH, vol. III,p.419).

          Intercessors must come to know Jesus first of all in the power of his resurrection, so that we may share in his sufferings. Each of us is invited to come to him with an "Easter thirst". We are invited to draw near to his wounded side from which the life-giving flow of blood and water comes forth. His pierced heart is the wellspring of renewal for intercessors. Here we come to drink deeply of his love so as to be able to pray for others and offer in union with him. Here we drink from the secret recesses of the "life-giving stream". Here each of us can say, "He refreshes my soul" (Ps. 23:3).

          Intercessors are invited to draw near to the wounded side of Jesus from which the Church was born. This is the font of his love, grace and mercy for the world. As Church we were born from the "womb" of his wounded heart--the wound of Love--as he slept the sleep of death on the cross. The Church is the gift of the heart of Jesus. Here at the "glorified scar" of his wounded heart, intercessors can pray for the healing of the world's unbelief. For, the world--like St. Thomas-- has great need today to cry out in an awakened awareness of the truth, "My Lord and My God" (John 20: 28). The wounded heart of Jesus remains the font of healing for the wounded heart of the world. Yes, his heart was wounded so that our hearts could be healed. His heart was wounded for love of us: By his wounds you have been healed" (1 Pet. 2:24B). All fruitful intercession depends upon our vital union with Jesus, the Vine. He is the only source of life, the only access to God. He is the source of an intercessor's identity and fruitfulness. We must choose to live close to the wound of his victorious, devoted Love! His pierced heart is the symbol of "Love's triumph". The gift of intercessory prayer is one expression of the holiness of a life made fruitful by union with Jesus.


1) Where do I need renewal in my life right now?

2) Is there too much busyness and 'running around' in my life right now?


Ps. 36:9-10; Is. 12:3-6; Rom. :9-11; Rev. 7:1

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