Committed Sustained Informed - Intercession
Risen Lamb Writings
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"Risen Lamb Writings"

"Whispers of Light" (part one)

          In 1Kings 19, we read of the Prophet Elijah who, once strengthened by food provided by God, walks forty days and forty nights to the mountain of God, Horeb. On the mountain, Elijah hears God speak to him in a "a tiny whispering sound" (1 Kings 19:12). Here, Elijah receives key revelation from God on what he is to do next (see 1 Kings 19:15-18). Intercessors need to receive these "whispers of light" from God in order to both grow in holiness through adherence to God's word, and also in order to be "informed" to know how to pray for others, and what to pray for in any given situation.

          Pope St. John Paul II has spoken about the pierced heart of Jesus as being the "source" from which the Holy Spirit flows:

"Through the Heart of His Son, pierced on the Cross, the Father has freely given us everything...Jesus has said, "If I go away, I will send him to you" (John 16:7). His pierced heart bears witness that he 'has gone away'. Now he sends the Spirit of truth. The water that flows from his pierced side is the sign of the Holy Spirit" (John Paul II; L'Osservator Romano, 27 Oct.,1986, p.3).

We keep in mind that it was after Jesus was already dead on the cross that his heart was pierced, and the "torrent was released": This is the river that flows from the pierced heart of the "New Adam", the Lamb of God. This confirms what Jesus has referred to about himself in John's gospel: "Rivers of living water will flow from within him" (John 7:38). St. Hilary confirms this as well, and also refers to the gifts of the Holy Spirit, as he says:

"The river of God is brimming with water; That is to say, we are inundated by the gifts of the Holy Spirit and from that fountain of life, the river of God pours into us in full flood" ("From a discourse on the psalms by Saint Hilary, bishop"; cited in LH, vol. IV,p. 311).

          Chapter 24 of The Book of Sirach describes several of these gifts of the Holy Spirit as being like several of the branches of the river that rises in Paradise,the Garden of Eden:

"It (the book of the Most High's covenant) overflows like the Pishon, with wisdom...it runs over, like the Euphrates, with understanding...it sparkles like the Nile with knowledge..."    (Sirach 24:22,23,24,25).

This "radiant river"of the Holy Spirit flows from the pierced heart of the Lamb, illuminating these "mystical treasures"--these seven gifts of the Holy Spirit--that flow within This Source of light and spiritual illumination. Intercessors come to the wounded side of the Lamb to drink deeply of the Spirit, and to be equipped with these seven, precious gems of eternal light. Each of these gifts is a "luminous whisper" from the pierced heart of the Lamb to the heart of an intercessor. Each gift has revelatory power, lighting the way when one is praying for someone, or praying into some situation. Jesus possesses these seven "mystical gifts" in their fullness: "From his fullness we have all received" (John 1:16).

          Like the sacrament of Baptism, the sacrament of Confirmation marks us as totally belonging to Jesus, clothes us "with power from on high", and increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us. God equips those who belong to him! (see This is Our Faith, by Michael Pennock; p. 191; and Luke 24:49). In subsequent teachings, we will begin to explore each of these seven "mystical treasures".


1)   Am I aware of certain gifts of the Holy Spirit operating in my life more than others?

2)   What are some of the most recent "whispers of light" that I am aware of having heard from the Lord?


Any scripture from the text; John 4:14; 1 Cr. 2:9-10; 1 Cr. 12:13.

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