Committed Sustained Informed - Intercession
Risen Lamb Writings
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"Risen Lamb Writings"

"Whispers of Light (part 11)"

          There is a great need today for prayer circles gathered around Mary-- "circles of fire"--comprised of a totally committed people of transformed heart, mind and will, and animated by the power of the Holy Spirit. Yes, there is an urgent need for "upper rooms" of empowered, informed intercession, "cenacles" of sustained supplication guided by Mary's intercessory influence, her pleading power. 

          The upper room is a place of transformation. Historically, it is a place where new, miraculous realities of God have taken place. In the upper room, at the Last Supper on the night before he died, Jesus transformed the common elements of bread and wine into his Body and Blood to be offered sacrificially for others         ("The sacrifice of Christ and the sacrifice of the Eucharist are one single sacrifice") (CCC 1367). In the upper room on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit filled common human lives and transformed them forever to live as "sacrificial offerings" for others.

          Mary's presence in the upper room in the midst of the Apostles helped to foster an atmosphere of expectation among those gathered. Those who are to be formed as intercessors need to begin first as the Apostles did in an upper room experience of empowerment of the Holy Spirit in the presence of Mary. Even those who have been living the lifestyle of an intercessor for years need periodic times of renewal by the Spirit. This intercessory, missionary call of the Lamb requires of us an ongoing empowerment and renewal by the Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit and Mary, we will have no real sense of mission--only self-preservation and maintenance. Mary's presence with us gives us the assurance that our hearts will be renewed by the Spirit. Her presence is the guarantee of good things to come.

          Through Mary God begins and ends his most important works. The Incarnation--the fact that Jesus assumed a human nature from Mary in order to die on the cross for us--is the greatest work ever accomplished by God (see CCC 461). Charisms are gifts of the Holy Spirit given that we may accomplish the works of God. For this charism of communal, contemplative intercession, Mary's presence is indispensable. She is "the mold" through which Jesus is formed in the world (see Jesus Living in Mary: Handbook of the Spirituality of St. Louis Marie de Montfort; p. 541). Mary is God's mold through which true intercessors are formed.

           At the Annunciation, The Holy Spirit intervened mysteriously in the life of Mary and "made her the way by which the Savior came into the world" (John Paul II; General audience of May 28, 1997). The Holy Spirit entered into the history of the world in a new way through her heart.  It is also through the heart of Mary that the Holy Spirit entered into the human members present in the upper room on the day of Pentecost, making of them living members, foundation stones, of the "Mystical Body of Christ". Today, through the heart of Mary the Holy Spirit desires to enter into us to renew us in His Love, to equip us, so the Lamb of God may continue to live his intercessory mission through our humanity.

(to be continued)


1)   How strong is my sense of mission in regards to this charism of intercessory prayer?

2)   Is there an aspect of my life that I need to submit more willfully to the "mold" of Mary?


Acts 1:13-14; 1 Th.1: 5-6; Titus 3: 4-7

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