Committed Sustained Informed - Intercession
A New Season
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"A New Season"

"Relationship" (Relational Love: part 5)

          Because God desires the deepest intimacy of relationship with each of us in our hearts, Jesus has entered within us to prepare a "place" so that this sacred encounter can occur: " I am going to prepare a place for you" (John 14:2). Jesus 'prepares' by building each of us "into a spiritual house" (1 Pet. 2:5). As St. Augustine says, "It is the Lord Jesus who builds his own dwelling...he builds from within" ("From a discourse on the Psalms" by Saint Augustine, bishop. Cited in Liturgy of the Hours, vol. III, p. 478). One notes it is "his own dwelling". Jesus is Master of the house that he builds--no longer I!

           Jesus promises to fulfill the deepest desire in my heart--the desire to be with him: "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be" (John 14:3).

If Jesus builds me into a spiritual house, it is so that my heart can become a spiritual "home". What makes my heart a spiritual home is the abiding presence of Jesus in my heart: "We will come to him and make our dwelling with him" (John 14:23). He wants each of us to have " a spiritual union with himself in the bond of perfect love" (New American Bible: A Saint Joseph Edition, p. 1135). As Jesus prays his "high priestly prayer" found in John's Gospel, he asks the Father, "that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in them" (John 17:26).

          Hence, now the "old order" has passed away: "Forget your people and your father's house" (your old way of life in the flesh)(Psalm 45:11). Now in the "secret recesses" of my heart "He brings me into the banquet hall" (Songs 2:4  ) of a "new home"-- "my father's house" (John 14:2)--where "I eat my honey and my sweetmeats, I drink my wine and my milk" (Songs 5:1). There, my relationship is nourished by the living word and the Spirit of the "King"!

          The truth is that Jesus is king of my heart and must reign there now as sovereign Lord. I am led by the Spirit into my heart: "the palace of the king" (Psalm 45:9): "The king has brought me into his rooms" (Songs 1:4—New Jerusalem Bible trans.) that he has made "furnished and ready" (Mark 14:15). They are now "royal chambers": "These chambers are filled with exquisite fragrances" (Saint Bernard. "Sermons: Sermon 28", p. 271); "This is a royal chamber filled with countless and immense riches" (Origen, "In Canticum Canticorum",99). I am home!


1)   How "at home" am I in my heart?

2)   Where does the "old order" still have a hold on my life?


Any scripture from the text; Luke 19:5; John 10:38B

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