Committed Sustained Informed - Intercession
A New Season
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"A New Season"

"The Wound of  Love"

          In the previous teaching we spoke of the "vehemence" of God's burning love, and how He "conquers" my heart through an over abundance of love. God wants to stretch my desire and thirst for Him, thus bringing forth a greater capacity for receiving His love. More and more as my "soul is converted into the immense fire of love" (Thomas Dubay, S.M. Fire Within, p. 47), God begins to awaken an eternal "ache" within me to see Him face to face in what is called the beautific vision (see Dubay Fire Within, p. 47). He knows how to "awake the ache" in my heart: "Come," says my heart, "seek God's face"; your face, Lord, do I seek!" (Ps. 27:3).

          St. Peter refers to the profound offering of the Lamb of God on the cross when he says, "by his wounds you have been healed" (1 Pet. 2:24). The pierced heart of Jesus is the unique and perfect "wound of love". "Wounded love"--the holy and wholesome wounded love of the obedient heart of the Lamb of God--saved the world. God wills to "wound" my heart mystically with touches of His fiery love, increasing my desire to behold Him 'face to Face': "What God has prepared for those who love him" (1 Cr. 2:9). The Prophet Amos, before being called directly by God to prophesy to Israel, was "a herdsman and a dresser of sycamore-figs" (Amos 7:14). As a dresser of figs his "job was to puncture the immature fruit to make it turn sweet" (Michael L. Barre. "Amos", in The New Jerome Biblical Commentary, p. 209). The "wounding"--the piercing--of the fruit serves the purpose of maturing it in sweetness. Likewise, my heart needs to be "wounded" by the fiery touches of God's all-consuming love in order to be healed and matured by His "sweet flames". My heart pines to the point of being "pierced" by sweet and pleasant touches of His flaming love. St. Teresa of Avila calls these " wounds of longing love" (St. Teresa of Avila. Testimony, no. 3, p. 311).

          God enkindles  an "eternal insatiability" within me, a holy "craving for Heavenly consummation". Yes, there is a sweet suffering, an "insatiable ache", within a soul consumed by divine love. Yet, as St. Paul reminds me:

"I consider the sufferings of this present time as nothing compared with the glory to be revealed for us" (Rom. 8:18).

God desires to share His glory with me. He wants me to be with Him forever. He rouses a voracity within my heart for the eternal nuptials of the Lamb (see Rev. 19:9): "My heart and flesh cry out for the living God" (Ps. 84:3).

           St. John of the cross has written of this paradoxical love of God:

"As often as the cautery of love touches the wound of love, it causes a deeper wound of love, and thus the more it wounds, the more it cures and heals. The more wounded the lover, the healthier he is...and in the end the wound of love becomes so large that the whole soul is turned into a wound of love" (St. John of the Cross. Living Flame of Love, no. 7, p. 597; stanza II, p. 743).

As an intercessor I can pray from this "wound of love" most powerfully for our wounded world! The God who loves me is the God who "wounds" me with his love in order to heal me with this same love: "He has struck us, but he will bind our wounds" (Hos. 6:1).


1)   How much do I long for my "heavenly homeland" ?

2)   Do I have a burning desire for the salvation of souls, and a heart for our wounded world?


Any scripture from the text; Psalm 24:6; Psalm 42:3; Hos. 6:1-3; Mt. 5:8; Rev. 22:4

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