Committed Sustained Informed - Intercession
Risen Lamb Writings
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"Risen Lamb Writings"

"The New Gate"

          The whole work of the redemption is a great renewal--a new creation--and God is the Author of this newness: "Behold I make all things new" (Rev. 21:5). Jesus, the "New Temple", is the locus of God's presence among us. He is the "new humanity".  Hence, the pierced heart of Jesus is a "new reality". What comes forth from the "breached wall" of the New Temple is new: A new flow of blood and water for the renewal of the world. From the "new heart" of the "New Adam" flows new life which never ends.

           The piercing of the Lamb's side was an essential part of the divine design. He was pierced for our sins and our salvation. His wounded side is the "New Gate" (see Jr. 26:10); for, what flows from it are streams which make all things new:

"It is Christ who has let his side be pierced, it is he who let flow from his wounded side the two streams which makes all things new again: water and blood, that is , logos and pneuma, word and spirit" (Apollinaris, cited in Heart of the Redeemer, p. 84).

          These two streams of blood and water make present his victory and are a "double witness of God's Love". This flow of blood and water is an essential aspect of the Lamb's offering of Love, and it unites intercessors to his unique mediation in the presence of the Father. Here, intercessors "come in contact with the reality of his new, risen spiritual being" (Dictionary of Biblical Theology, p. 149).  Jesus, the "Mystical fountain", has opened the "new and living way" to Heaven by his death on the cross (which includes the piercing of his side).

          This perpetual flow of blood and water makes ever-present the sacrifice Jesus offered once for all on the cross. Intercessors 'come to his wounded side' to drink deeply of his love and to share in his intercession and offering for others.


1)   Is there anything "old" in my life at the present time that God is inviting me to let go of?

2)   How am I experiencing the Lamb's new and risen presence in my life?


Any scripture from the text; Heb. 9:12,14; 1 John 5:6-8; Rev. 22:1

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