Committed Sustained Informed - Intercession
Risen Lamb Writings
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"Risen Lamb Writings"

"The Narrow Gate"

          The "gate" of the wounded side of the Lamb is also the "narrow gate"; for, it is the "gate" of exclusive, committed, sacrificial love--a fully-focused, covenant love. It is the gate of life, the gate of "fierce friendship" with the Lamb who was slain. The daily disciplines of devoted love--contemplative communion, self-renunciation, loving sacrifice, forgiveness, and intercession (to name a few)--help one to live close to the pierced heart of the Lamb. Contemplative intercessors are drawn to this "narrow gate" to encounter Jesus, the "mystery of God", both for themselves and for others.

           St. Bernard says this of Jesus: "It is in the true heart that he dwells and there he speaks" (From a sermon by Saint Bernard, abbot, LH, vol. IV, p. 231).  Here at the "narrow gate" the Lamb shares "celestial secrets" with loving, listening, attentive hearts: "God's wisdom, mysterious, hidden" (1 Cr. 2:7). At the "narrow gate" his precious Blood  "speaks" ("The sprinkled blood that speaks"--Heb. 12:24); and his living waters ("His voice was like the sound of rushing water"--Rev. 1:15B) "give voice" to his loving heart thoughts: "For from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks" (Mt. 12:34).  These "whispers of light", these pearls of wisdom, feed one's own personal growth in holiness, and also help to inform one on how to pray for others. Here the thirsty soul cries out, "In my inmost being teach me wisdom" (Ps. 51:8).

           Through the "breached Temple wall", the Lamb's  wounded side, riches flow out--from his pierced heart within, the "Temple Treasury". Here at the "narrow gate" one has access to these "treasures out of the darkness and riches that have been hidden away" (Is. 45:3). For, as Tobit and Job remind us, "The gates of Jerusalem shall be built with sapphire and emerald" (Tobit 13:16B); and "The Almighty himself shall be your gold and your sparkling silver" (Job 22:25).

          Here at the "narrow gate" are shared "relational riches":  "Sapphires" of sanctity; "rubies" of redeeming love; "emeralds" of intimate encounter; and "diamonds" of devotion. Here the receptive heart cries out, "Oh the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God" (Rom. 11:33). Here, the yearning soul experiences, "The knowledge of the mystery of God, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Col. 2:3). Thirsty, devoted hearts are drawn further inward beyond the "Temple Wall" to the true treasure of his pierced heart:

"They are led in with glad and joyous acclaim; they enter the palace of the king" (Ps. 45:16). 


1)   Are there any "whispers of light" that the Lord has shared with me recently?

2)   Who have I been praying for recently at the "narrow gate"?


Any scripture from the text; Hg. 2:8; 1Cr. 1:30

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