Committed Sustained Informed - Intercession
A New Season
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"A New Season"

"Identity" (Relational Truth: part 8)

          St. John exhorts the true child of God to a conquering faith: "And the victory that conquers the world is our faith" (1 John 5:4). This faith is a belief in Jesus as the Son of God. Jesus conquered the world--saved the world--through obedient love. Sin had entered the world through the disobedience of Adam and Eve, and sin has been in the world ever since. True children of God are in the world too, yet we are not of the world. We belong to God, and we are to share in the obedience of the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

          A true barometer of one's identity as a child of God--a true son or daughter of the Father--is obedience. For, obedience is God's will for us just as holiness is God's will for us (see Thes. 4:3). In fact, without obedience there can be no authentic holiness. Hence, St. Peter says, "Like obedient children...be holy yourselves in every aspect of your conduct" (1 Pet. 1:14,15).

           The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that "obedience is submission to the authority of God" (CCC (glossary), p.889). "Obedience is the submission of [the human person] to the will of God" (Dictionary of Biblical Theology, p. 397), and God's will contains His Authority. True children of God recognize the authority of God every where and desire to submit to it: "For there is no authority except from God and those that exist have been established by God" (Rom. 13:1).

          St. Paul begins his letter to the Romans by speaking of "the obedience of faith": "Faith is not obedience, but it is its secret; obedience is the sign and the fruit of faith" (Dictionary of Biblical Theology, p. 397). Obedience is also the sign and fruit of authentic love. Jesus tells his disciples, "whoever loves me will keep my word...and the word you hear is not mine but that of the Father..." (John 14:23,24). God asks of us a 'heart-felt- obedience. Just as one "believes with the heart" (Rom.10:10), and one loves with the heart, one also obeys from the heart: "You have become obedient from the heart" (Rom. 6:17).

          The Father delights in our obedience--and who of us does not want to please the Father?!: "Does the LORD so delight in holocausts and sacrifices as in obedience to the command of the LORD?" (1 Sam. 15:22). Honestly, if the winds and the sea obey the command of Jesus, how much more should a true child of the Father submit one's intellect and free will to the Lord?: "What sort of man is this, whom even the winds and the sea obey?" (Mt. 8:27). Jesus always lived in the world under the Authority of the Father, and it was the driving desire and joy of Jesus to please the Father in all things. Is it my desire as well?


1)   Do I desire to submit to authority at all times?

2)   Like Jesus, is it my desire to please the Father in all things?


Any scripture from the text; Ex.19:5; Joshua 24:24; Luke 2:51; Heb. 13:17

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