Committed Sustained Informed - Intercession
A New Season
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"A New Season"

"Identity" (Relational Truth: part 13)

          God sent Jesus, His Son, into the world to save us from our sins. Jesus entered into the world through the work of the Holy Spirit within Mary. The spirit of this same Son now dwells in our hearts through Baptism. Hence, all of the baptized bear a 'Marian' connection. In the spirit of 1 John 3:1 one might say, 'see what love the Father has bestowed on us in letting us be called children of Mary as well: "Those who are led by the spirit of Mary are children of Mary, and consequently children of God" (True Devotion to Mary. St. Louis de Montfort, #258). St. Louis de Montfort makes this bold assertion because of his profound conviction that Mary's spirit is the Holy Spirit!--for, she is so holy and pure of heart and given over so completely to Her Spouse, the Holy Spirit.

          Mary gave birth to one child only, Jesus, the Lamb of God.  She is the "mold" through whom Jesus entered into the world. By drawing us more deeply into the mystery of the Incarnation, Mary sees to it that we are more and more conformed to the image of Jesus, the Lamb of God. Mary knows how to form us as victim lambs. She knows how to form us for true victim-hood, for deep, sacrificial offering. She forms us to share in Her own core personality which can be summed up as: "May it be done to me according to your word" (Luke 1:38). This word is ultimately the Word, Jesus. 

          Mary was the first to "follow the Lamb wherever he goes" (Rev. 14:4). This following of the Lamb led Mary to the very foot of the cross of Jesus where Her Heart was mystically pierced in union with the Heart of Jesus. Now, we are formed mystically in Her Heart as Her children. Mary desires Jesus to grow in each of us mystically. We are both 'formed in Mary's Heart' and also like John, the beloved, (John 19:27) are invited to receive Mary into the "home" of our hearts. We are formed in Her Heart to be made mature, perfect and spiritual--in a word, to become holy. Who am I? I am a child of Mary, a victim lamb, and I am called to offer myself as a holy victim: "The child to be born will be called holy" (Luke 1:35).


1)   Is my relationship with Mary strong and vibrant?

2)   Do I sense any fruit in my life from my being formed in Mary's Heart?


Any scripture from the text; Rom. 8:36; Eph. 1:4; 1Thes. 5:23;

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