Committed Sustained Informed - Intercession
Icons of Intercession
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"Icons of Intercession"

(Biblical Men and Women of Empowered Prayer #10)

True Happiness (Humility)

"Happy are those who hunger and thirst for what is right; They shall be satisfied" (Mt. 5:6)

Judith 9:4B-14:

"O my God, listen to my prayer, the prayer of a widow. 5Your hand guided all that happened then, and all that happened before and after. You have planned it all—what is happening now, and what is yet to be. Your plans have always been carried out. 6Whatever you want to be done is as good as done. You know in advance all that you will do and what decisions you will make. 7Now the Assyrians are stronger than ever; they take pride in their cavalry and their infantry. They rely on their weapons, but they do not know that you, O Lord, are a warrior who ends war. The Lord is your name. 8In your anger, use your power to shatter their mighty army. They plan to defile your Temple, where you are worshiped, and to hack off the corners of your altar with their swords. 9Look how proud and boastful they are! Pour out your fury upon them! I am only a widow, but give me the strength to carry out my plan. 10Use my deceitful words to strike them all dead, master and slave alike. Let a woman's strength break their pride. 11Your power does not depend on the size and strength of an army. You are a God who cares for the humble and helps the oppressed. You give support and protection to people who are weak and helpless; you save those who have lost hope. 12Now hear my prayer, O God of my ancestor Simeon, the God in whom Israel trusts, ruler of heaven and earth, creator of the rivers and the seas, king of all creation. Hear my prayer and 13[c]let my deceitful words wound and kill those who have planned such cruelty against your covenant and your holy Temple, against Mount Zion and the land you have given your people. 14Make your whole nation and every tribe recognize that you are God, almighty and all-powerful, and that you alone protect the people of Israel!"

"Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord and He will raise you up."

Question: When you come to prayer before the Lord, do you enter in like the poor widow or the repentant sinner in a posture of humility?

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