Committed Sustained Informed - Intercession
The Call
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"The Call # 12"

Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord! (Fortitude)

The Prophets (Please read Isaiah 6:1-8; Samuel 3:1-11; Jeremiah 1:4-9; and Matthew 3:1-3)

          At the Wedding Feast in Cana Blessed Mother approached Jesus, seeking his assistance with the issue of no more wine. With confidence she tells the servants, "Do whatever he tells you" (John  2:5). Notice not what you think Jesus said or felt he said, but what he said. Knowing comes out of relationship--being able to go deep inside the quiet of your heart and contemplate--united with the Heart of God. Feeling inadequate, unworthy, too young or too old? The prophets can become guideposts along the path:

Isaiah 6:5: "There is no hope for me! I am doomed because every word that passes my lips is sinful." The angel of the Lord put hot coals to the lips of Isaiah--forgiveness. "I will go Lord, send me."

Samuel (as a young boy asleep in the temple): Samuel 3:10: "Speak Lord, your servant is listening."

Jeremiah 1:6: "I don't know how to speak, I am too young."

John the Baptist: Mt.3:3 : "A voice is crying out in the desert, prepare a road for the Lord."

I am not fit to...who am I that I should?...Prophetic voices--all four from different eras. Each with his own doubts of being adequate--but all four were messengers.

Each of them came to know the voice of the Lord. Each went forth to proclaim "the Word." Each one suffered for the call but they followed that voice within, contemplated it, and acted upon it. Prepare the way of the Lord--the Kingdom of God is at hand--believe it!--proclaim it!

1)What message is the Lord calling upon you to proclaim? (perhaps it is the sanctity of life...)

2) Can you go forth with the same boldness as the Prophets-- "Here I am Lord, send me"?

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