Committed Sustained Informed - Intercession
The Call
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"The Call" #2

You want me to go where?

Abram (Abraham) (please read Genesis 12:1-4)

-Leave your country and go to a place that I will show you (Let it go!)

"I will bless those that bless you (Abram); but I will curse those who curse you. Through you I will bless all the nations."

          About 15 years ago, the Lord pressed on our hearts as a family that we should leave where we had spent our entire lives and move to Omaha, NE. After much prayer we became convicted that this was God's will for us. Genesis 15:1 states, "Do not be afraid. I will shield you from danger and give you a great reward." God is always faithful to His promise as we have now become part of the beginnings of His Global Love. This is a great adventure.


1)   We live in a world of, "What's in it for me"--the microwave generation of instant gratification. Are you willing to stay true to your calling and take up your cross to follow Jesus wherever He leads? (Mark 8:34).

2)   In Psalm 40:5 we are told, "Lord you have made many wonderful plans for us." All He needs is our "yes!" Are you willing to abandon it all and follow where He leads you?

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