Committed Sustained Informed - Intercession
The Call
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"The Call" #3

God's Ways are not our ways

Isaac (please read Genesis 22:1-12)

"Abram, take your son, your only son, Isaac, and offer him as a sacrifice to me."

          Martin Luther King, Jr. is probably most famous for his speech that began, "I had a dream that one day..." Abram had a dream--of one day having an heir. He waited 100 years for that dream to be fulfilled with the birth of Isaac, and now!--God tells him to sacrifice his son, his dream, and he unflinchingly complied. Could he know what God had in mind--NO! God's ways are above ours. In Gen. 22:11-12, we hear, "Abraham, don't hurt the boy or do anything to him. Now I know that you honor and obey God...I will bless you." Dreams shattered/ dreams deferred. Often we dream of what we believe is good for us--or is it? Seek God's mind to be sure. 


1)   Have you ever had a burning desire for something (a new job, a better place to live, etc.) only to feel frustrated when nothing happens?

2)   Did you pray and seek God's mind to see if your dreams were in alignment with God's will?

3)   Hindsight is a marvelous teacher--how many pitfalls did God save you from?

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