Committed Sustained Informed - Intercession
The Call
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"The Call" #4

Who Am I ? (FEAR)

Moses (Please read Exodus 3:1-17)

Moses said to God, "I am nobody. How can I go to the king and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?

God answered, "I will be with you..."

          There is a line from a popular Christian praise song: "Fear is a liar." The father of all lies is none other than Satan himself. He would have us believe that we are too (little, stupid, afraid,etc.) to accomplish what God is calling us to do. Time for "holy boldness". The Lord called a lowly maiden from Orleans, France, to restore the monarchy: Joan of Arc. In her own words, "I do not fear men at arms. My way has been made plain before me. If there be men at arms, my Lord God will make a way for me to go to the Lord, Dauphin (future king). For that am I come." Joan's faith and her relationship with the Lord carried her to success. Who am I—I am the child of the One, True King (Jesus).


1)   Can you stand fast in relationship with the Lord?

2)   Can you do the same as Moses/Joan when the Lord prompts you?

3)   Can you lay aside your doubts/fears and move forward? If so, what graces do you need to pray for to help you?

4)   God always pays for what he orders. Do you have the courage to trust Him in all circumstances? 



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