Committed Sustained Informed - Intercession
The Call
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"The Call # 6"

There Is No Greater Love Than to Lay Down One's Life For a Friend (Confidence)

David (Please read 1 Samuel 17:12-37)

"Who is this heathen Philistine (Goliath) to defy the army of the living God." David could not and would not stand by and accept the wrong he was seeing and hearing. His love for God was greater than his fear. "The Lord has saved me from lions and bears; He will save me from this Philistine."

As I was growing up, I remember a rhyme of sorts from the movie, "The Wizard of Oz", "Lions and tigers and bears--oh my!" I'd bet that David didn't let these fears overcome his love for God or his duty to his country.

Where would we be today in this country if our founding fathers didn't stand on their faith (one nation under God) and press on to insure the liberties we have today? In Luke 21:36, Jesus tells us, "Be on watch and pray that you will have strength to go safely through all things that will happen."


1)   Prayer changes things. Pray for an increase in confidence that the Lord will save you in times of trials.

2)   What are the lions, tigers and bears in your life? Ask the Lord to give you the strength to overcome them.

3)   Giants are often in the mind's eye. Identify each one of yours. Pray for the courage to face them. 



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