Committed Sustained Informed - Intercession
The Call
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"The Call # 7"

You Were Made for Such a Time...(Conscience)

Esther (Please read Esther Chapter 4)

"Don't imagine that you are safer than any other Jew just because you are in the royal palace...who knows--may be it was for a time like this that you were made queen!" How often have you heard or repeated phrases like, "life was so much simpler back then"; "there never used to be so much"; "I can remember when the streets were safer". The past often seems safer, quieter, more simple, etc. Too ofter we yearn to fall back into our comfort/safety zone. Yesterday is a closed door; we don't live there anymore. We were created for such a time as this! I remember a song from a few years ago entitled, "Do Something". The refrain is a plaintive cry to God: "Why don't you do something?" God's response is, "I did; I created you!" Get off the complaint train and onto the prayer train. Your call is: Put your hand to the plow and don't look back. Mt. 10:37-39 tells us: "Take up your cross and follow me..." When? Not yesterday or tomorrow, but today. Today, in such a time as this, PRAY! Mordecai prompted Esther into action and she moved (at the risk of her life) with the prayer cover of a nation (in repentance) dressed in sack cloth and ashes.


1)    What is God prompting you to do? (pray for the unborn, for world peace...let your conscience guide you).

2)   We are told in Mt. 7:13-14, "Go in through the narrow gate...The way that leads to it is hard." Are you willing to follow Jesus on that path?



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